We're Excited about Temp fence hire Melbourne, anyone who's worked with us before knows that we take extreme pride in what we do.
"Providing a superior service experience is what sets us apart from our competitors "
Right now is the best time to see for yourself why it is we are so popular among owners and builders alike. Why you may ask? Because we've just got a brand new container of our signature diamond mesh temp fence . Over 500mts of brand spanking new sparkling panels, ready to be delivered and installed on your site!.

With lots of stock currently on hand ANAJAK Temp fence hire Melbourne can service your job today, whether it's for the Demolition of a house, construction of a new Building , fencing off certain areas for Events or a swimming pool construction dig. We're here to help.
Our Standard panels are 2.4 metres wide and 2.1 metres tall. They clip together with 100mm galvanised steel bolt Clamps and once setup create a great physical barrier and deterrent to anyone wanting to gain illegal access to your site. They also minimise the chance of theft and malicious damage.

Our temporary fence can also be used to restrict access in emergency situations ( Such as above where the brick boundary fence collapsed onto the street )
Call ANAJAK temp fence hire Melbourne today on 0417 654 378 or email jared@anajak.com.au