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  • Jared Leighton

Shady Business In Balwyn North

Anajak Temp Fencing Hire was called out to one of our previous installs the week.

Our Mission? to fit 55mts of Shadecloth with wind bracing.

Adding Shadecloth to your temporary fencing can really neaten up your site. With prices starting at just $6 per metre for our premium Solashade product, It really is worth considering.

Shadecloth will give your site a more professional touch, especially on those big sites.

It's Waaaaaaay cheaper than timber hoarding and still has the advantage of temporary fencing. e.g lighter, easier to move and much more pleasing to the eye.

Shadecloth also helps keep the dust on site contained and ensures more privacy with construction works.

All of our installs are professionally fitted and braced.

If you want temp fence with shadecloth. Call ANAJAK on 0417 654 378

"A Secure Site, Priced Right"

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​  ANAJAK Temporary Fencing Hire Melbourne​

Specialising in Temp Fence Hire Melbourne and Surrounding Areas

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